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Root canals are a common procedure that dentists use to save teeth that are infected or damaged. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth and filling the space with a special material to help preserve the tooth.

Root canals are generally safe and effective, and they can help you avoid tooth extraction and preserve your natural teeth. However, like any medical procedure, root canals do carry some risks.

Here's what you need to know about the safety of root canals:

  • Root canals are generally safe. The procedure has a high success rate and can help save teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted.

  • Root canals can help relieve pain. If you have a toothache or other discomfort caused by an infected or damaged tooth, a root canal can help relieve the pain and restore your oral health.

  • Root canals can have complications. As with any medical procedure, there is a small risk of complications during or after a root canal. These can include infection, nerve damage, and tooth sensitivity. We will discuss the potential risks with you and provide instructions for minimizing them.

  • Root canals can have side effects. Some people may experience side effects after a root canal, such as swelling, pain, or difficulty biting and chewing. These side effects are usually temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication and other treatments.

Overall, root canals are a safe and effective way to save infected or damaged teeth and preserve your natural smile. If you're considering a root canal, be sure to discuss the procedure and any potential risks with us. We can help you make an informed decision about your oral health.

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